Hello, I refused a breath test in 2005 and received a 4 year loss of licence as was a 2nd offence, .051 in 2002 no loss of licence.
Now that the first offence has dropped off the bottom of the 10 year window, I'm attempting to re licence as we speak.
After differing information from Melbourne magistrates court and broadmeadows magistrates courts in relation to whether it was required of me to sit multiple assessments 12 months apart, Broadmeadows has advised it isn't required as my refusal offence occurred prior to legislation change in 2006.
I'm booked to obtain an assessment and sit the drink driver education program over the next 3 weeks and intend to apply for a relicencing hearing date at Broadmeadows Magistrates Court, next Tues 29 th May, thus securing a hearing date around the 27th June 2012.
An interlock restriction on my relicencing creates many difficulties for me and am hoping to avoid the stigma associated as Im applying for new employment shortly with positions providing a vehicle with the role. In relicencing, I'll need to resist my licence test with VicRoads as I haven't held a licence for over 5 years.
Being my refusal offence was in 2005 is it discretionary interlock or mandatory, and if it is discretionary, will representation or other support reduce the chance of the imposition of the restriction by the court.
Thank you