Low range drink driving ACT - first offence

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Low range drink driving ACT - first offence

Postby Pennypacker » April 29th, 2013, 3:31 pm

Hi there

On the weekend I recorded a breath test of 0.077 in canberra, which I was advised is in the low range. I was told I will receive a summons to attend the ACT magistrates court in about 2 month. This is my first drink driving offence (and first criminal offence in general). In terms of prior traffic offences, within the past 3 years I've had one speeding ticket, one red light camera ticket, and one stop sign offence.

Is there any possibility of pleading guilty but having no conviction recorded (I believe it's under section 17 of the ACT Crimes (Sentencing) Act 2005)? While I obviously would also like to minimise the time my licence is suspended and the fine I could receive, my main priority is not having anything on my criminal record. I work in the public service, and am concerned it could impact upon my future job prospects.

I would be grateful for any advice about the prospects of obtaining a non conviction order, and also about what steps I would need to take to maximise my chances of having no conviction recorded.

Many thanks
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Joined: April 29th, 2013, 3:15 pm

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