Hi All,
I am in Adelaide and was pulled over 2 days ago by a policeman in a marked car after leaving my local hotel and subjected to a 'random' breath test which returned a positive result. He was parked opposite the hotel, and i saw him before i drove, but did not think i would be over 0.5.
Subsequent testing at the cop shop on their Dragar alcotest 7110 required 3 tests,which were all taken within 5 minutes
first test- 0.150
second test - insufficient sample
Third test 0.164
End result- charged with 0.150.
I was given the printout, but not a certificate stating that the operator was authorised to use the machine.
As i had not eaten all day, and was taking anti inflamitory medication, i opted for the blood test.
Due to the wait at the hospital, the blood test was not taken until almost 3 hours after the breath test.
I was also not given a vial of blood to have independantly tested. I enquired as to why and was told that it was normal for the hospital to send both samples to the police.
This is my first offence, and i am a believer in 'do the crime, do the time', but i believe the police station test must be wrong.
Without the blood sample, i am unable to have independant testing done to challenge the machine.
Another question : given that the breath analysis had risen by .014 in the space of 5 minutes, wouldn't it be fair to assume that at the time of driving, some 40 minutes earlier, the reading would be significantly lower?
Any advice would be much appreciated.