On the ninth of march this year I made a great error of judgment and caused a accident. I was at a barbecue and not meaning to stay long consumed several home brews not realising the strength of them. Only having several and then having a feed I thought that I was right to drive to a prior engagement[ big mistake]. on the way to where I was going I caused a accident which cant remember happening . For some reason I came around a corner to wide[I drive this road regularly and for the life of me I don't know why I was on the wrong side] and have clipped another car. The lady driving the other car was not hurt a little bruised but ok taken to hospital for obs. My self is another story fairly serious damage not back at work for a little while yet. Both cars were written off not good. I have had a blood test and it has come back positive .102 and a neg driving charge I presume will be forthcoming. I have a fairly good driving record dui once twenty plus years ago and acouple of speeding fines.
I live in the country and need my licence to get to work and occasionally for work. I really regret my actions that day but it has happened and the other person was not hurt which is my main concern but any advice that can be given would be taken and appreciated very much thank you. If it helps I am in northen new south wales.