Red p plate drink driving charge

August 26th, 2012, 9:19 am
by Holborow
My son is on his red p plates with new license. He was driving with no passengers hit a tree at 4am in the morning he asked a neighbor to call me and the police then sat in his car and waited for police. He of course has been charged and license taken off him. He knew he had done wrong as soon as he hit the tree that is why he told me he didn't run and stayed and waited for 30min for police.
What can he expect to loose his license for? He is a good boy completing hsc with good sport career should we get sol? He went high range o.191
Re: Red p plate drink driving charge

August 27th, 2012, 2:37 pm
by Beth
The automatic disqualification period for a first offender with a .191 reading is 3 years. The bare minimum that your son can expect to lose his licence for is 12 months, but given the extremely high reading and the fact he was subject to a zero reading his chances of being subject to only a 12 month disqualification are quite limited. Your son will also be looking at a conviction and a fine. In this particular situation, due to the aggravation of the crash, it is quite possible that a community service order would also be considered by the Court.
The Court will certainly have regard to the fact that your son did act responsibly in ensuring that the police were called and waiting for them to arrive. However, the overall outcome depends on your son’s individual circumstances.
It would be a good idea to get a lawyer involved so that your son has the best possible chance of a good result.