High Range Drink Driving on P's

October 8th, 2012, 2:28 pm
by katty
The other day I got pulled over for not indicating and blew .2 so thats high range and lost my licence immediately. Im female on green P's and normally don't drink drive. I was obviously highly intoxicated and been at a funeral so I was drunk + upset which is not a good mix and wanted to go home so I drove. What will my likely penalty be? I'm planning on getting a good lawyer so hopefully I can keep my licence or not lose it for very long.
Re: High Range Drink Driving on P's

October 8th, 2012, 4:13 pm
by Beth
Hi Katty,
As a starting point, you are looking at a criminal conviction being recorded, a fine and a period of licence disqualification. I would also suggest that a community service order would not be out of range. The automatic period of licence disqualification is 3 years. This can be reduced to as low as 12 months but cannot go below that.
The only way to keep your licence would be if you obtained a section 10 non conviction order. However, I would suggest this is highly unlikely due to the reading. 0.2 is a very high reading and is aggravated by your status as a P2 driver.
I hope this helps! If you would like to have a chat to someone about it feel free to give me a ring on (02) 9261 4555