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DUI readings

September 8th, 2011, 11:04 am
by shorty
I am wanting to know if I am on a P plate on a Qld driver's licence and get busted drink driving in South Australia do the same rules apply? Will I lose my licence and for how long? My reading was .08.
Re: DUI readings

September 12th, 2011, 11:23 am
by QLD Lawyer
Dear Shorty,
This is an extremely interesting issue and unfortunately the interaction of laws between the states is one that would require someone specifically researching this point for you.
I would make inquiries with a solicitor in South Australia as a starting point.
Re: DUI readings

September 20th, 2011, 8:09 pm
by melb solly
It seems to me from discusssions with lawyers interstate that there is a lot of difference between how the states deal with drink driving. It seems like something that should be standardized as people move around quite a lot (especially people like truck drivers) and there should be the same processes and penalties in each state.
I would be surprised if a "p" plater in any state would keep their licence if they have been drinking