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DUI in Perth WA

November 14th, 2011, 3:39 pm
by Mertle
Hi there i was wondering if you could answer a few questions fo9r me. Two weeks ago i was caught drink driving and blew 0.18. I was also caught for drink driving in 2009 and blew 0.09 or thereabouts and lost my license for 6 months and paid a fine. My first question is this - In 1992 i was suspended for drink driving cant remeber for how long but i think it was for 3 months. Will the 1992 conviction be counted making it a third time or will only the last two be counted? and also do i need to attend the court or can i plead guilty by mail? And one more thing how long does the summons take to arrive.
Re: DUI in Perth WA

November 16th, 2011, 11:46 am
by Mertle
Yesterday i received the court hearing notice in the mail and i intend on attending and pleading guilty. I am personally addressing the alcohol issue with help from my family and friends. What can i expect to receive? Also will i be able to apply for an extrordinary licence? Thank you.
Re: DUI in Perth WA

November 17th, 2011, 12:41 pm
by TalbotOlivierWA
Dear Mertle, We recommend you attend court personally to explain your personal circumstances and the circumstances which led to you drink driving. Yes the 1992 conviction will count as it was recorded less than 20 years ago. Depending on the exact nature of the 1992 conviction, this will be your third or subsequent offence of driving in excess of 0.08%. The minimum fine is $1600, the maximum fine is $3000 and the minimum disqualification period is 30 months. You may be eligible for an extraordinary drivers licence, however, there will be a waiting period and we recommend you obtain specific advice regarding the requirements in your particular circumstances.
Re: DUI in Perth WA

November 18th, 2011, 10:55 am
by Mertle
Thank you for your answer.
Re: DUI in Perth WA

December 13th, 2011, 6:27 pm
by Mertle
Just an update - Went to court and the magistrate adjorned the case until Feb 2012 and put me on the POP ( Pre-sentencing Opportunity program). I am happy about this as i need help with my excessive alcohol consumption. Two questions - as the case has been adjorned until 2012 that makes the first offence 20 years ago? And will doing the program and really showing the judge that i've been getting help and participating in the program help me when she comes to sentence me. Thank you in advance....
Re: DUI in Perth WA

December 14th, 2011, 6:33 pm
by TalbotOlivierWA
Dear Mertle, Thank you for your update, its great to receive your feedback. That is very positive that you have been given the opportunity to participate in the POP program. Yes, it will definitely be taken into account at sentencing. Whether the 1992 offence is taken into account depends very much on the exact dates, therefore, we would advise you to make sure this issue is brought to the Magistrate's attention so he or she sentences you on an accurate basis. Best of luck in successfully completing your program!