Drink Driving 1st Offence

January 26th, 2012, 4:13 pm
by bunton
Hi I blew 0.82 after 3 wines over 3 hours. First offence. No prior driving offences. Is it worth me being represented in court or will i automatically get a 6 month suspension. I need licence to get to work (to pay rent). Any advice would be great
Re: Drink Driving 1st Offence

January 27th, 2012, 9:10 am
by NSW lawyer
It is almost always worth being represented. Without knowing more details it is impossible to say what the likely penalty might be, but the court has the discretion to not record a conviction against you, and if they take that approach then you will not lose your licence.
Additionally, the court gives a disqualification of more than six months to more than half of mid range drink drive offenders, so there is some significant risk that you could get far more than just six months.
It would be a good idea if you contact a lawyer to discuss the matter.
Re: Drink Driving 1st Offence

January 27th, 2012, 10:09 am
by bunton
Note it was 0.082 NOT 0.82 obviously . Thanks for reply. I have contacted a local solicitor.