Naked drunk driver causes car crash

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Naked drunk driver causes car crash

Postby ddforum » October 10th, 2011, 8:16 am

Naked drunk driver causes car crash
08 Oct, 2011 10:41 AM
A 34-year-old man left police and ambulance officers in disbelief when he was found fully naked in his car which he had crashed in the Darwin suburb of Tiwi yesterday.

Police were alerted to the crash after a member of the public heard a car screeching around the corner and then a bang on Tiwi Gardens Road at about 4:50am.

At the scene police officers found a Toyota Hilux with minor damage situated in the middle of the road with two occupants inside.

St John Ambulance members also attended and observed the occupants to be uninjured.

Due to the occupant’s aggressive behaviour, they could not be assessed at the scene.

The driver, who was fully naked, was subjected to a road side breath test and arrested after failing to provide a sample.

Upon being removed from his car, the man proceeded to spit on the face of one of the police officers.

The man was taken to the Darwin Watchhouse where he provided a breath analysis reading of .154%.

He was charged with high range drink driving and assaulting police.

A 27-year-old female passenger received a drug infringement notice for the possession of cannabis.

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