Mid Range Drink Driving in NSW

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Mid Range Drink Driving in NSW

Postby Brodie » June 1st, 2012, 4:01 pm

I have never been caught for drink driving before and this was a very out of character thing for me to do.
Just had an argument with the MRS which resulted in me jumping in the car.

I was pulled over after reportedly driving erratically two streets from home.
The officer breath tested me and I blew 0.82

I have been reading online about section 10 dismissal.

What are my chances of getting a section 10. I really need my license to get to and from work.
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Joined: June 1st, 2012, 4:00 pm

Re: Mid Range Drink Driving in NSW

Postby NSW lawyer » June 1st, 2012, 4:11 pm

Your chances really depend on a lot of factors. You are at the bottom of the mid-range so you have a chance of a section 10 - but only if your matter is very well presented to the court.

It would be a good idea to get a lawyer involved in see what can be done to maximise your chance of a good result.
Andrew Tiedt | Criminal Lawyer | Armstrong Legal

T (02) 9261 4555
Level 5/127 York Street Sydney, NSW 2000
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