high range DUI on Green Ps, NSW

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high range DUI on Green Ps, NSW

Postby Susannah55 » January 6th, 2013, 11:34 am


Last night, my 19-year-old son left a party and crashed his car into a tree (no one was hurt) and blew .122. His licence has been cancelled and the police have given him a verbal court date. It's a first offence and he intends to plead guilty in court. He is devastated and kicking himself for being so stupid, especially as he needs his licence for work. What is the worst that can happen to him in court? And as he intends to plead guilty, does he need a lawyer? All advice welcome. Thank you.
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Joined: January 6th, 2013, 11:25 am

Re: high range DUI on Green Ps, NSW

Postby Beth » January 7th, 2013, 5:07 pm

Hi Susannah,

In your son's circumstances, I would strongly recommend that he seek the assistance of a lawyer.

This is particularly due to the high reading and the fact that there was a crash. The worst possible outcome would be for the Court to impose a period of imprisonment. This is not to say that your son is likely to be subjected to a period of full time custody, but it does indicate the seriousness of the offence.

It would be very unlikely that your son not be subject to some period of licence disqualification, despite his need for his licence for his employment. However, to minimise the period he will spend off the road it would again be wise to seek legal advice.

Should you wish to discuss your son's matter any further, feel free to ring me on (02) 9261 4555.
Beth Morrisroe | Criminal Lawyer | Armstrong Legal
http://www.armstronglegal.com.au/web/pa ... c_law_home

T (02) 9261 4555
Level 5/127 York Street Sydney, NSW 2000
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Joined: August 27th, 2012, 2:27 pm

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