Pulled over by the police last weekend and blew .156 back at the station. This is my second DUI in 11 years, and while I can't recall what the reading was from my first offence, I seem to recall it being from mid to high range. In between these offenses my driving record has been been fairly untarnished, a speeding ticket or two, and maybe a couple of parking fines.
What can I expect this time around? I understand a loss of licence and a fine is a certainty, but I'd just like to know where I stand when my day in court comes.
From what I gather, a restricted licence is out of the question. Being a husband and father, and with my child starting kindergarden only a few weeks ago now, my actions have, naturally, placed a significant strain on my marriage as I am now unable to drive my child to and from school.
Any advice would be gratefully received.