Drink Driving - SA

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Drink Driving - SA

Postby bobsomeoneau » March 19th, 2012, 11:23 am

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to my questions but I thought i'd take advantage of the generosity of forum contributors to make sure there isn't something i'm missing!

I was pulled over for a RBT and blew over. I was taken to the closest police station for the follow up test and the lowest reading received was 0.095 placing me in mid range and resulting in 28 days impound for my vehicle and six months instant license disqualification. I opted for the voluntary blood test and which occurred approximately 2 hours from the initial infringement (I am waiting for these results at the moment). This is my first offence (I don't even have a speeding fine on record).

I have a few questions:

1. Everything i've been reading online has indicated that the minimum suspension period for mid range is 6 months. However the form provided to me by the police indicates that i can be suspended for up to six months which appears to contradict everything else - my understanding from my research online is that the six months is mandatory and as such not reduce-able at the discretion of the magistrate. I require my licence and vehicle for my job (so much so that my loss of license actually breaches my employment agreement). Does the wording on the form imply that I may have a chance of having this reduced?
2. I'm in two minds as to whether to engage a solicitor to assist. I don't see a reason to dispute the facts in question and am happy to plead guilty (unless my blood test reading comes back lower than my initial reading). Is there anything i'm missing that would be assisted by the engagement of a solicitor?
3. Roughly how long does it take to receive the blood test results and /or a court date?
4. How does it work in terms of having a conviction registered on my record? Will I have a criminal record?

At the end of the day I deserve whatever penalty is given to me - it was a stupid mistake and I have to live with consequences (both legal and other) but if I can do anything to reduce the suspension (which I doubt I can) then it would go a long way to reducing the inconvenience that my actions have had on others.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
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Joined: March 19th, 2012, 10:24 am

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