Drink driving blitz in Adelaide

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Drink driving blitz in Adelaide

Postby ddforum » August 30th, 2011, 9:35 am

A drink-driver allegedly registered more than four times the legal blood-alcohol limit while driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle at Medindie at the weekend.

The man, 21, was driving on Main North Rd during Operation Consequence - a statewide blitz on drink and drugged driving - when he failed to stop for a mobile breath test, police said.
"The driver sped off from police but was eventually located and arrested. He recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.204 per cent," a police spokesman said.

At Coober Pedy, a man, 37 - already disqualified from driving from a previous drink-driving offence - recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.248 per cent in the highest alleged reading from the 7675 tests conducted across the state from Friday night until yesterday morning.

The drink and drugged driving blitz netted more than 150 drivers allegedly exceeding the 0.05 blood-alcohol limit or who had drugs in their system. In all, 129 drivers exceeded the legal limit and 22 tested positive for drugs. Sixty-six motorists were issued with an immediate loss of licence and 68 vehicles were impounded or had their wheels clamped for 28 days.

Traffic Support Branch Superintendent Linda Fellows said one-in-60 drivers tested positive for alcohol and one-in-17 had drugs in their system. "Alcohol and drugs continue to feature in deaths on our roads yet people continue to think it won't happen to them," she said. "There are consequences for bad choices on the roads and 151 people from this weekend are now dealing with those consequences."

Source: Adelaide Now 29.8.2011
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