2nd DUI offence Perth

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2nd DUI offence Perth

Postby 2ndtimeidiot » April 13th, 2012, 12:11 am

Hi there.

I live in Perth and recently got picked up for the second time blowing 0.182. (First time was Christmas Eve 2010 - blew 0.126 and got a $600 fine and 5 month ban which started in March 2011).

I'm due in court next week and am worried about what to expect. The internet suggests that jail time could be used as an alternative to a big fine because it is high range, 2nd offence.

What should I expect in terms of punishment and is jail actually a possibility? I've also been reading about the Pre-sentencing Option Program ("POP"). Is that something I should consider going for, and do judges look on the program favourably?

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Joined: April 12th, 2012, 11:55 pm

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